Domestic RHI
This scheme is aimed at domestic households. If the renewable heating system heats a single property which has a domestic Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) you may be eligible to apply for domestic RHI. The EPC is the evidence required to prove that your property can be assessed as a domestic dwelling. Greenheat Renewables Ltd have an in-house design engineer who is qualified and can conduct an assessment to provide you with an EPC.
The scheme will pay you for each kilo watt hour (kWh) of energy which is produced by eligible technologies subject to a cap. As at October 2020 GSHP is capped at 30,000kWh, biomass is capped at 25,000kWh and ASHP is capped at 20,000kWh. There is currently no cap on solar thermal.
Eligible technologies include ground source heat pumps, air source heat pumps, biomass and solar thermal. The Domestic RHI Scheme will make quarterly payments for 7 years to scheme participants that generate and use renewable energy. Ofgem has the latest Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive Tariffs published on their website together with some useful factsheets.
Please refer to the Ofgem website for detailed information on the Domestic RHI application process and detailed guidance notes.

What you need to apply
All applications for domestic RHI will need to be for an eligible system and supported by the following documentation:-
Minimum level of insulation in the loft and wall cavities if possible
An Energy Performance Certificate (dated within the last 24 months). This must include a deemed heat demand for your property. Our in-house design engineering team can undertake an EPC assessment for you.
MCS commissioning certificate for your system issued by your installer. Your application must be received within 12 months of the commissioning date.
How can Greenheat Renewables Ltd help
As part of the initial assessment, Greenheat Renewables Ltd can run forecasts to estimate the level of RHI payments which may be generated based upon various assumptions including the existing usage and current / forecast cost of various fossil fuels. We can use this information to provide you with estimate of the payback period for the renewable system.
If you wish to discuss your project and potential RHI payments in more detail the please get in touch with us at or